Listed on the page, you will find the most comprehensive and free sources online.
PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL…
- Official Documentation
- Introduction to PostGIS
- PostGIS Reference
- Spatial Relationships Exercises
- PostGIS Quickstart
- PostGIS-101
- Query in DB-fiddle
Spatial Database Management by PSU
PostgreSQL & PostGIS cheat sheets
OSGEO - Advanced Functions
Common Spatial Queries
PostGIS Terminal Examples
Tips and Tricks for Writing PostGIS Spatial Queries
Loading Natural Earth data to PostGIS
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Creating a PostgreSQL DB Instance and Connecting to a Database on a PostgreSQL DB Instance
- Connecting to a DB Instance Running the PostgreSQL Database Engine
- Working with PostGIS